Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Members of the Traveler's Notebook Forum helped to develop this list of items to consider before purchasing your first notebook.  This is just a guideline. I will edit when more ideas are shared.

The Midori brand comes in black and brown in the passport and regular size only.  If you want a different color or size, you are going to have to look into a traveler's notebook crafted by one of the many notebook artisans.

What do you want to use it for? Planning? Journaling? Wallet? Something else?

What size are you looking for? Some inserts are harder to come by based on where you live. Do you want to carry it with you and does size and weight matter?
          Some suggest buying/printing notebooks in various sizes to try them out. Is the regular size too narrow? Is the passport size too small? Will the a5 be too heavy? This can save a lot of pain and expense upfront. You can get a cover to fit later.
Bifold? Trifold? Quadfold? Many like trifold and quadfold as they protect the inserts better than bifold.
Make sure you are ready to commit: Do you really want that pen loop attached? Do you really want your notebook personalized with your name? These are harder for resale.
What type of material? Leather or Vegan? Do you want a smooth or textured leather? Stiff? Floppy? Thick? Textured? Smooth?
How many inserts do you want to use in the TN? Some types of inserts: Notebooks (various styles and uses), zipper pouches, pocketed folders. If you are a stuffer, will overhang of the notebooks (notebooks sticking out) bother you?
Some notebooks show character (wear) faster and more than other notebooks. Is that character going to be okay with you?
We recommend speaking with the seller and getting a comfortable relationship with them. Make sure you are both on the same page in regards to all aspects of the notebook (size, color, etc) Many sellers will make notebooks wider to accommodate stuffing. Just let them know what you are looking for.

About Me

I realized I never did tell you about me, Sandy, the person with the notebook obsession.  I have had this obsession for many years.  I have used various types of planners, journals etc.  However, I often do not follow through.  I just seemed to stop writing and using them for various reasons.  It was not until Christmas 2013 when my mother bought me a Paris themed journal that I really stuck with the journaling.  I completed than book and other since that time.  In March 2014 I became aware of Midori Traveler's Notebooks (MTN).  I purchased my first Midori in March 2014.  I joined the Midori Traveler's Resources group on Facebook and the addiction grew.  Not too long after I met my dear friend Glenda who with her assistance we started the Traveler's Notebook Forum.  I have since started an Instagram dedicated to ZenKraft notebooks @myzenkraft .  I am also now loading videos to YouTube under the name "MyNotebookObsession."